
AnnoRepo: Installing, configuring and running the server.

For running AnnoRepo, you will need to have access to a mongodb server

From source

INFO  [2022-07-08 22:26:49,303] nl.knaw.huc.annorepo.AnnoRepoApplication: AR_ environment variables:

  AR_SERVER_PORT:	(not set, using default)
  AR_EXTERNAL_BASE_URL:	(not set, using default)
  AR_MONGODB_URL:	(not set, using default)
  AR_DB_NAME:	(not set, using default)
  AR_PAGE_SIZE:	(not set, using default)
  AR_ROOT_API_KEY:	(not set, using default)
  AR_WITH_AUTHENTICATION:	(not set, using default)
  AR_PRETTY_PRINT:	(not set, using default)

INFO  [2022-07-08 22:26:49,303] nl.knaw.huc.annorepo.AnnoRepoApplication: connecting to mongodb at mongodb://localhost/ ...
INFO  [2022-07-08 22:26:49,385] nl.knaw.huc.annorepo.AnnoRepoApplication: connected!
INFO  [2022-07-08 22:26:49,478] nl.knaw.huc.annorepo.AnnoRepoApplication: Health checks:
INFO  [2022-07-08 22:26:49,478] nl.knaw.huc.annorepo.AnnoRepoApplication:   deadlocks: healthy, message=''
INFO  [2022-07-08 22:26:49,478] nl.knaw.huc.annorepo.AnnoRepoApplication:   mongodb: healthy, message=''
INFO  [2022-07-08 22:26:49,478] nl.knaw.huc.annorepo.AnnoRepoApplication:   server: healthy, message=''
INFO  [2022-07-08 22:26:49,480] nl.knaw.huc.annorepo.AnnoRepoApplication:

  Starting AnnoRepo (v0.1.0)
    locally accessible at    http://localhost:8080
    externally accessible at http://localhost:8080

INFO  [2022-07-08 22:26:49,481] io.dropwizard.server.ServerFactory: Starting AnnoRepo

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The “accessible at” lines should tell you at what url to access the annorepo server.


The config file config.yml has some values that can be overridden by setting AR_ environment variables:

environment variable default value purpose
AR_SERVER_PORT 8080 The main port for accessing the server locally.
AR_EXTERNAL_BASE_URL http://localhost:8080 The URL at which the server can be accessed externally. (in case of proxying)
AR_PAGE_SIZE 100 The number of annotations to show per AnnotationPage.
AR_MONGODB_URL mongodb://localhost/ The mongodb URL
AR_WITH_AUTHENTICATION false Whether this server should require authentication for certain endpoints.
AR_ROOT_API_KEY thisdefaultapikeyisunsafesochangeitplease The api-key for the root user. (only used when AR_WITH_AUTHENTICATION = true)
AR_PRETTY_PRINT true Whether the json output should be formatted for easier human-readability (true) or compact (false)

Using docker image

Currently, the docker image is only available from the firewalled repo:

API Usage